Bio Snippet

Strategic Themes (Ikigai): Automatic Control Robotics Machine LEarning.

Research Chronology

Select News Highlights

Archived news

Could we be at the precipice of continum soft robots that mimic the behavior of functional living organisms being versatile shoo-in for everyday robotic automation tasks? My new paper argues for and demonstrates the efficacy of a decentralized continuum dynamical system whose whole-body strain dynamics is resolved in an adaptive and hierarchical nonlinear control fashion. September 30, 2024
At McGill's Mechanical Engineering department and MILA, I am giving a talk on my recent layered architecture and time-scale separation schemes in the quest towards the real-time control of heterogeneous soft robotics devices in October 2024. Come in and argue! September 16, 2024
Will you be at the next ICRA conference? I am but a weave within the rich tapestry of excellent leaders in the soft robotics community, fashioned together to disseminate the latest findings -- new hardware fabrics, mathematical/ML models, and control tools -- in a workshop on biologically-inspired embodied intelligence for modern robots and devices. Please see the workshop webpage for details. August 24, 2024
Two papers accepted to CDC 2024, Milan! August 27, 2024
Please join the crescendo of ecstatic congratulations to Dr. Anurag Koul, a former postdoc in our lab and a close collaborator, who is transitioning his academic career into an applied scientist role at Amazon NYC. Bravissimo! August 8, 2024
Together with Volker Pohl, I am co-chairing the computational methods in control theory at the next Conference on Decision and Control in Milan (December 2024). Evviva! August 5, 2024
Raising a cheer of congratulations to Dr. Shaoru Chen, a former postdoc in our lab and collaborator, who recently sold his soul to LinkedIn joined LinkedIn! August 3, 2024
Organizing an MSR-wide workshop in Redmond, WA for folks working on group theory applications for model and policy and representation in modern learning algorithms. February 24, 2024
Recent presentation at Yale University based on our mixed H2/H-infinity stochastic RL policy optimization analysis. November 2, 2023

Mentoring Activities.

I enjoy working with/mentoring young students/scientists in teaching and research capacities alike. Before MSFT, I was an adjunct faculty at Brandeis up in Waltham, MA. Current or past students, interns and postdocs include:

Select Talks, Classes, and Conferences

Talk Highlights

Editorial/Community Services

Classes and Useful Presentations

Professional Activities.

(Strikethroughs signify societies I was a part of but whose membership I no longer belong).

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the KOMs

As often as I can get away from the lab, I like to ride my (road/mountain/Grandma's) bike. I ride rain or shine, hell or highwater -- whether it's in the parching heats of sultry Texas, or the blustering cold winds of the Midwest and the Eastern Seaboard. States I have ridden so far include: NY, NJ, MA, NH, PA, DE, TX, IL, WI, IN, HI, WA. Below is a screenshot of my recent activities summary.

Recent Readings

Below are a list of books in my current reading list.

2024 Readings
Oldies and Goodies

This web presence was last updated on Tue, Oct 15, 2024.