Could we be at the precipice of continum soft robots that mimic the behavior of functional living organisms being versatile shoo-in for everyday robotic automation tasks? My new paper argues for and demonstrates the efficacy of a decentralized continuum dynamical system whose whole-body strain dynamics is resolved in an adaptive and hierarchical nonlinear control fashion. September 30, 2024
At McGill's Mechanical Engineering department and MILA, I am giving a talk on my recent layered architecture and time-scale separation schemes in the quest towards the real-time control of heterogeneous soft robotics devices in October 2024. Come in and argue! September 16, 2024
Will you be at the next ICRA conference? I am but a weave within the rich tapestry of excellent leaders in the soft robotics community, fashioned together to disseminate the latest findings -- new hardware fabrics, mathematical/ML models, and control tools -- in a workshop on biologically-inspired embodied intelligence for modern robots and devices. Please see the workshop webpage for details. August 24, 2024
Two papers accepted to CDC 2024, Milan! August 27, 2024
Please join the crescendo of ecstatic congratulations to Dr. Anurag Koul, a former postdoc in our lab and a close collaborator, who is transitioning his academic career into an applied scientist role at Amazon NYC. Bravissimo! August 8, 2024
Together with Volker Pohl, I am co-chairing the computational methods in control theory at the next Conference on Decision and Control in Milan (December 2024). Evviva! August 5, 2024
Raising a cheer of congratulations to Dr. Shaoru Chen, a former postdoc in our lab and collaborator, who recently sold his soul to LinkedIn joined LinkedIn! August 3, 2024
Organizing an MSR-wide workshop in Redmond, WA for folks working on group theory applications for model and policy and representation in modern learning algorithms. February 24, 2024
Recent presentation at Yale University based on our mixed H2/H-infinity stochastic RL policy optimization analysis. November 2, 2023
New numerical analysis paper on hyperbolic Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations with tons of examples accelerated on modern graphical processing units. April 10, 2022
New robust policy optimization paper, based on H-infinity control principles for accelerating the convergence of traditional policy optimization schemes in infinite-horizon control settings out in IFAC world congress 2023. February 10, 2023
Serving as Associate Editor for IEEE's International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshops. September 30, 2022
Invited to serve as Associate Editor for IEEE's International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). September 30, 2020
Our new soft robot mechanism for motion correction in emerging MRI-LINAC RT systems got accepted for a presentation at the joint John R. Cameron-J.R. Cunningham Young Investigators' Symposium! Please e-attend my talk if you can at AAPM's annual meeting this year. May 16, 2020
I have successfully defended my PhD Thesis. Thanks to the mentors I worked with during my graduate program, viz., Steve B. Jiang, and Nick Gans, and my dissertation committee members: Mark Spong, T. Summers, Y. Tadesse and D. Bhatia. May 16, 2019
I am teaching a robot manipulation course at Brandeis in the winter and spring of 2020 as an Adjunct Faculty. I am keeping the lecture notes here as I develop them and the course progreses. November 7, 2019
At the Department of Brain Robot Interface (BRI) of Japan's ATR Computational Neuroscience (CNS) Labs., I presented our minimax iterative dynamic game work. August 29, 2018
I will be pitching my start-up idea to VCs in Vancouver in October. Yeah, sure. Come in and argue! August 1, 2017
Starting in the summer of 2019, after I shall have defended my PhD thesis, I shall be resuming as a postdoc at The University of Chicago's Pritzker school of medicine. January 31, 2019
The docker repo for my IROS 2018 Minimax iDG Submission has moved to the following repo: lakehanne/ros. Look for the idg_iros18 tag. I will continue hosting the youbotbuntu14 repo on my hub for the next six months before I finally delete it. August 20, 2019
Thanks to the generous support of Google AI, I will be attending the full tutorials, workshops, and program sessions at NIPS 2018. Bonjour Montréal! October 7, 2018
I had a reyt good great time at this year's IROS and ROSCon in Madrid. Here are links to pictures of my IROS talk, ROSCon meeting, and video of Marc Raibert's mini-spot demo October 6, 2018
Deep BOO! gets accepted to the Workshop on the Algorithm Foundations of Robotics (WAFR). WAFR has an "established reputation as one, if not the most, important venue for presenting algorithmic work related to robotics". September 6, 2018
I had the pleasure of presenting my research outlook on stably learning the dynamics of nonlinear robot trajectories to the management team of Preferred Networks, Tokyo earlier this afternoon. July 5, 2018
Our IROS2018 submission is a definite accept. Codes here. Videos on my home page. Hallo Brisbane! June 1, 2018
Our Minimax iDG paper gets accepted to the Machine Learning for Planning and Control Workshop at ICRA 2018. Codes here. Videos on my home page. Hallo Brisbane! April 24, 2018
Awarded the NSF Doctoral Consortium Award. August 1, 2017
The camera-ready version of Soft-NeuroAdapt, is now on arxiv. Codes are on github August 1, 2017
Our submission got accepted to IROS abstract only track. Video here. July 1, 2017
Awarded the Open Software for Robotics Foundation (OSRF) scholarship. July 1, 2017
Brandon Amos' OptNet paper was accepted to ICML. I am mentioned in the acknowledgement section alongside Ian Goodfellow. June 1, 2017