Published Works
Fast Whole-Body Strain Regulation in Continuum Robots.
Lekan Molu.
American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, CO. September 2024.
The Python LevelSet Toolbox (LevelSetPy).
Lekan Molu.
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). March 2024.
Lagrangian Properties and Control of Soft Robots Modeled with Discrete Cosserat Rods.
Lekan Molu and Shaoru Chen.
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). March 2024.
Verification-aided Learning Neural Network Barrier Functions with Termination Guarantees.
Shaoru Chen, Lekan Molu, and Mahyar Fazlyab.
American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, ON. May 2024.
PCLAST: Discovering Plannable Continuous Latent States.
Anurag Koul, Shivakanth Sujit, Shaoru Chen, Ben Evans, Lili Wu, Lekan Molu, Byron Xu, Rajan Chari, Riashat Islam, Raihan Seraj, Yonathan Efroni, Miroslav Dudík, John Langford, Alex Lamb
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). September 2023.
Mixed H2/H-Infinity Policy Learning Synthesis.
Lekan Molu.
World Congress, International Federation of Automatic Control, Yokohama, Japan. July 2023.
Guaranteed discovery of controllable latent states with multi-step inverse models.
Alex Lamb, Riashat Islam, Yonathan Efroni, Aniket Didolkar, Dipendra Misra, Dylan Foster, Lekan Molu, Rajan Chari, Akshay Krishnamurthy, John Langford.
Transactions in Machine Learning Research. December 2022.
Interaction-Grounded Learning with Action-inclusive Feedback.
Tengyang Xie, Akanksha Saran, Dylan J Foster, Lekan Molu, Ida Momennejad, Nan Jiang, Paul Mineiro, and John Langford.
Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips). May 2022.
Mechanism and Model of a Soft Robot for Head Stabilization in Cancer Radiation Therapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Xinmin Liu,
Nick Gans, and
Rodney Wiersma.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France. May 2020.
A Multi-DOF Soft Robot Mechanism for Patient Motion Correction and Beam Orientation Selection in Cancer Radiation Therapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu
PhD Thesis. The University of Texas at Dallas; UT Southwestern Medical Center. May, 2019.
Supervised Learning and Guided Monte Carlo Tree Search for Beam Orientation Optimization in Radiation Therapy.
Azar Sadeghnejad Barkousaraie,
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Steve Jiang, and
Dan Nguyen.
Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Therapy, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci. © Springer Nature. Switzerland AG 2019.
Deep Learning Neural Network for Beam Orientation Optimization.
Azar Sadeghnejad Barkousaraie,
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Steve Jiang, and
Dan Nguyen.
International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR) XVI. Montreal, CA. June 2019.
A Fast Deep Learning Approach for Beam Orientation Selection in Cancer Patients.
Azar Sadeghnejad Barkousaraie,
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Steve Jiang, and
Dan Nguyen.
The International Journal of Medical Physics Research and Practice. December, 2019.
Deep BOO! Automating Beam Orientation Selection in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Michael Folkerts,
Dan Nguyen, and
Steve Jiang.
Workshop on Algorithm Foundations of Robotics, XIII. Published in Springer's Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR) Book. 2019.
Minimax Iterative Dynamic Game: Application to Nonlinear Robot Control Tasks.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Nick Gans, and
Tyler Summers.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Madrid. 2018.
Soft-NeuroAdapt: A 3-DOF Neuro-Adaptive Pose Correction System For Frameless and Maskless Cancer Radiotherapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Adwait Kulkarn,
Yonas Tadesse,
Xuejun Gu,
Steve Jiang, and
Nick Gans.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Vancouver, BC. 2017.
Design and Development of A Soft Robot for Head and Neck Cancer Radiotherapy.
Yara Almubarak,
Joshi Aniket,
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Xuejun Gu,
Steve Jiang,
Nicholas Gans, and
Yonas Tadesse
SPIE: Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation. Denver, CO, U.S.A. March 2018.
Vision-based Control of a Soft Robot for Maskless Cancer Radiotherapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Xuejun Gu,
Steve Jiang, and
Nick Gans.
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Fort-Worth, Texas, August 2016.
A Real-Time Soft-Robotic Patient Positioning System for Maskless Head-and-Neck Cancer Radiotherapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Xuejun Gu,
Steve Jiang, and
Nick Gans.
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Gothenburg, Sweden, August 2015.
A Real-Time Patient Head Motion Correction Mechanism for MRI-Linac Systems.
Olalekan Ogunmolu, and
Rodney Wiersma
Oral Presentation at Medical Physics 47 (6)(AAPM) E328-E328. Online only publication in the Medical Physics Journal, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). May 2021.
Towards Closed-Loop Control Head Motion Correction with Soft Actuators in MRI-LINAC Systems.
Olalekan Ogunmolu, and
Rodney Wiersma
Oral Presentation at Medical Physics (AAPM) 46 (6). Online only publication in the Medical Physics Journal, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). May 2020.
Automating Beam Orientation Optimization for IMRT Treatment Planning: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Dan Nguyen,
Chenyang Shen,
Xun Jia,
Weiguo Lu, and
Nick Gans,
60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Nashville, TN. July 2018.
A Real-Time Patient Head Motion Correction Mechanism for MRI-Linac Systems.
Olalekan Ogunmolu, and
Rodney Wiersma.
Oral Presentation, AAPM. Online only publication in the Medical Physics Journal. June 2020.
A Motion-Planner for Robot Head Motion Correction in Stereotactic Radiosurgery.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Xinmin Liu, and
Rodney Wiersma.
ePoster at the AAPM/COMP Meeting. Online only publication in the Medical Physics Journal. June 2020.
A Fast Deep Learning Approach for Beam Orientation Selection Using Supervised Learning with Column Generation on IMRT Prostate Cancer Patients.
Azar Sadeghnejad Barkousaraie,
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Nick Gans,
Steve Jiang, and
Dan Nguyen
Oral Presentation at Medical Physics (AAPM) 46 (6), E237-E237. Proceedings in the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), San Antonio, TX.. San Antonio, TX, July 2019..
A Reinforcement Learning Application of Guided Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithm for Beam Orientation Selection in Radiation Therapy.
Azar Sadeghnejad Barkousaraie,
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Steve Jiang, and
Dan Nguyen
Oral Presentation at Medical Physics (AAPM) 46 (6), E236-E236. Proceedings in the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), San Antonio, TX.. San Antonio, TX, July 2019..
An Approximate Policy Iteration Scheme for Beam Orientation Selection in Radiation Therapy.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Azar Sadeghnejad Barkousaraie,
Nick Gans,
Steve Jiang, and
Dan Nguyen
Oral Presentation at Medical Physics (AAPM) 46 (6), E386-E386. Online only publication in the Medical Physics Journal, Proceedings in the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), San Antonio, TX.. San Antonio, TX, July 2019..
Minimax Iterative Dynamic Game: Application to Nonlinear Robot Control Tasks.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Nick Gans, and
Tyler Summers
Machine Learning for Planning and Control Workshop, Extended Abstract, IROS 2018. Madrid, Spain. October 2018.
Lagrangian Properties and Control of Soft Robots Modeled with Discrete Cosserat Rods..
Lekan Molu,
Shaoru Chen, and
Audrey Sedal
Northeast Robotics Conference, Extended Abstract, November 2023. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. November 2023.
Composite Fast-Slow Backstepping Design for Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Newton-Euler Dynamics: Application to Soft Robots..
Lekan Molu
Northeast Robotics Conference, Extended Abstract, November 2023. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. November 2023.
PcLast: Discovering Plannable Continuous Latent States..
Anurag Koul (Microsoft); Shivakanth Sujit (ETS Montreal, Mila); Shaoru Chen (Microsoft Research); Ben Evans (NYU); Lili Wu (MSR); Lekan Molu (Microsoft Research); Byron Xu (MSR); Rajan Chari (Microsoft); Riashat Islam (MILA, Mcgill University); Raihan Seraj (McGill); Yonathan Efroni (Meta); Miroslav Dudik (Microsoft); John Langford (Microsoft); Alex Lamb (Microsoft Research)
Northeast Robotics Conference, Extended Abstract, November 2023. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. November 2023.
Minimax Iterative Dynamic Game: Application to Nonlinear Robot Control Tasks.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Nick Gans, and
Tyler Summers
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Late Breaking Result Abstract. Brisbane, Australia, May 2018.
Robustness Margins and Robust Guided Policy Search for Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Tyler Summers
Olalekan Ogunmolu, and
Nick Gans, and
IROS 2017 Abstract Only Track. Vancouver, BC, Canada. September 2017.
An Image-Guided Soft Robotic Patient Positioning System for Maskless Head And Neck Cancer Radiotherapy: A Proof of Concept Study.
Olalekan Ogunmolu,
Nick Gans,
Steve Jiang, and
Xuejun Gu
Oral Presentation at AAPM. Online only publication in the Medical Physics Journal, Proceedings in the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), Anaheim, CA. Annaheim, CA, August 2015.